Stillpoint founder Janet Curry, MA, MST, LPC, CERTIFIED MBSR & MBCT TEACHER and
Watch an episode from the Pause To Elevate podcast here:
About Us
About Stillpoint
Stillpoint was founded by Janet Curry, MA, MSt, LPC, to offer the most effective current approaches possible to cultivating health, vitality and ease. We do this via two main pathways: group Mindfulness-Based courses, and mindfulness-based coaching for individuals.
With the unpredictable and ever-changing nature of the world never more apparent than it is today, many of us are experiencing stress on an unprecedented scale. We feel it financially, in our jobs, in our families, communities, and in our health—mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.
In such a climate, the decision to explore ways of coping more kindly and skillfully with difficulty and dis-ease is not only pro-active but also wise. It is a way of taking charge of your own health and well-being—your own life—and of discovering and recovering your own inner resources for coping, growing and healing.
“If not for the point, the still point, there would be no dance, and there is only the dance.” T.S. Eliot
What is
Mindfulness is a basic human capacity to pay attention to whatever is happening in your life as it’s happening—in this present moment.
Though we all have moments of mindfulness, often we are more familiar with mindlessness, when we operate on “automatic pilot” and are distracted from what is actually happening—both around us, and in our own bodies, minds, and hearts. The good news is that mindfulness is already available to us by virtue of being human—it isn’t something you have to acquire, but rather can intentionally develop, nourish, and refine.
Mindfulness meditation is a practical, kind way of doing just that—of cultivating our innate potential for being present in and for our lives. As a practice, mindfulness can help us to see ourselves and our lives with greater clarity and compassion. Out of such clear seeing, we can learn to face each moment, no matter how challenging or intense, with greater calm, stability, acceptance, creativity, and courage.
The principles of mindfulness are woven into every aspect of Stillpoint’s individual coaching; intensive training in mindfulness practices is offered in the Mindfulness-based courses.
Stillpoint Mindfulness Training
Mindfulness Courses
ALL Mindfulness-based courses currently held LIVE-ONLINE!

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course
Learn to cope with stress more effectively in this 8-week group program that teaches practical methods for calming the mind.

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Course
This evidence-based group program is aimed at preventing depressive relapse and reduces depression and anxiety.

MBSR Teacher Training Program
An opportunity to deepen your practice, use mindfulness with greater precision in your work, or begin a journey to teach MBSR.

Other Mindfulness-based Programs
We offer courses in Mindfulness and Creativity, Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, and more. Please check the schedule for details!
And more...
individual learning opportunities and resources
Mindfulness Coaching
Participating in coaching can be a transformative means of becoming more aware of who you actually are, what you love most, and how to embrace life from what’s deepest and best in you. Janet brings her decades as a licensed counselor to the exploration at the heart of coaching.
Self Learning
We would like to provide as many opportunities as possible for you to explore Mindfulness in your own time and your preferred format. In support of this aim, we’ve collected some resources for you to explore. Dip in and see what catches your interest and attention!
Mindfulness Lessons and More
Our Blog
Cancer, Mindfulness, and the Bardo
“What will you do in the bardo?” This question, posed in Tibetan meditation master Mingyur...
You’re Doing Great!
Yes, (sigh) it’s still January. Yes, (deep sigh) it’s still a time of global pandemic. Yes, each...
Ode to Disorientation
I recently received a master class in disorientation. My colleagues and I in the Mindfulness...