Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
MBSR CourseStillpoint’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course is modeled on the internationally acclaimed
program created at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in 1979 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD.
A growing body of scientific research completed at UMass, and more recently at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University and other academic medical centers has shown that mindfulness and participation in MBSR programs can be significantly and often profoundly beneficial in terms of reducing medical symptoms and emotional/psychological distress.
A majority of program graduates report:
- an ability to cope more effectively with stressful situations, both short and long-term
- lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms
- decreased levels of pain, and an increased ability to cope with pain that may not go away
- an increased ability to relax
- increased emotional stability
- greater sense of energy and well-being and enthusiasm for life
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More About the
MBSR Course
Who Can Benefit?
People who take the MBSR program may look a lot like you. They come to the MBSR program with a wide range of conditions and concerns, including:
Stress-financial, health, work or family
grief and loss
sleep disturbances
gastrointestinal distress
heart disease
multiple sclerosis
chronic pain
high blood pressure
anxiety and panic
Parkinson’s disease
eating disorders
skin disorders
Some people enroll in the program with increasing concerns about the uncertainty of the future. Others say they have a general feeling that their lives are out of balance, or that they feel “disconnected” or overwhelmed, even though they are feeling well physically.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is offered as a complement to your current medical and/or psychological treatments, not as an alternative to them. Our collaborative work with health care providers is based in the understanding that optimal health care in the 21st Century is participatory, combining what our providers can offer us with what each of us can actively do for ourselves.
What is MBSR's impact worldwide?
In the past 41 years, over 24,000 people have graduated from the MBSR course at the University of Massachusetts, many of whom have been referred by over 7,000 physicians. Tens of thousands more individuals have participated in the over 450 MBSR programs now offered in hospitals, clinics and by independent providers in over 54 countries on five continents.
Closer to home, over 1000 individuals have graduated from Stillpoint’s MBSR program since it was first offered in 2007. With live-online courses, participants now come from Durango as well as all corners of the country and globe, and have ranged in age from 16 to 86.
Course Schedule And Time Commitment
Classes are generally offered in the fall and winter/spring. For more details re: dates and times, please see Schedule.
A free orientation/information session is held prior to the class start date and is a prerequisite for participation. The course consists of 8 weekly classes (2 ½ hours each except the 1st and last classes which are 3 hours) and one all-day session on a weekend, usually between the 6th and 7th class.
In all, the class offers nearly 30 hours of direct contact and instruction.
The core focus of the program is intensive training in mindfulness meditation and its applications to the challenges, demands and delights of daily life. Participating in the course does require an on-going commitment to yourself. You will be asked to attend all of the classes, including the all-day session, and practice daily home assignments for 45-60 minutes per day.
Course Structure and Methodology
The class format is experiential and deeply engaging, consisting of direct instruction in mindfulness meditation practices, gentle stretching and mindful yoga, and group dialogue, discussion, and inquiry. Great care is taken to create a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment.
Participants receive a set of 4 guided meditation to download on their phone or computer, or on CDs, and a workbook. You are also strongly encouraged to read Jon Kabat-Zinn’s book, Full Catastrophe Living to support your success in the program.
Online Format
Please note this will be a highly interactive, LIVE-ONLINE web-based program. We ask for your full attention and participation.
For technical requirements, click here.
Course Fees
We offer a “pay what you can” fee structure, trusting in your honest assessment of your circumstances. Please pay more, if possible, to help support those with fewer financial resources.
The fee options are: $725, $575, or $425.
Our intention is for this course to be accessible to all who feel they could benefit and are committed to attending. Please contact Janet directly to discuss other options for working with your current needs.
Refund Policy: If you register and pay for the course and need to withdraw up to a week prior to the course start date, we are happy to refund your payment minus a $50 administrative fee. Once we are within a week prior to the start of the course, we offer no refunds, but are happy to count your payment toward a course to be offered within the next calendar year.
How to get started
Prior to each class cycle an orientation session is held to provide more detailed information about the program, and to offer an experiential “taste” of mindfulness practice. These sessions are free of charge. You are invited to come meet the instructor, bring any questions or concerns, and learn more about not only the form but also the “heart” of this work. This session is required for those planning to enroll in the MBSR class. If you are unable to attend due to a conflict, please contact Janet by phone: 970-779-0611 or email myounglee@pointstillmindfulness.org
To register for our next Orientation Session or MBSR course, please use the “Orientation Session” and “Course Registration” buttons above. For a detailed schedule of dates, times and locations for upcoming sessions see our Schedule.