Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
MBCT Course
A Mindful Approach to Depression & Anxiety

MBCT evolved from blending mindfulness meditation practices with aspects of Cognitive Therapy to address the chronic unhappiness that can build in the wake of recurrent depression and anxiety. This 8-week, evidence-based course is an effective and empowering way of getting unstuck from repetitive patterns of mood and thought that contribute to these forms of suffering.

MBCT specifically teaches how to recognize, and work skillfully with modes of mind that are characteristic of mood disorders and contribute to their recurrence. Participants learn to identify the triggers and symptoms of anxiety and depression,

and practice skills for effectively addressing these issues as they arise in everyday life.

Key to the learning in MBCT is developing a new, more creative, and kind relationship with the thought and mood patterns so characteristic of depression and anxiety.  As research has been showing over the past 20 years, this new relationship to fluctuations in the mind/heart is a critical skill not only for those vulnerable to depression, but to all of us who experience emotional reactivity–spikes of anxiety, periods of low mood– and establishes the foundation for a life of greater ease, and durable happiness.

Next MBCT Course

ORIENTATION: Tuesday, April 11, 2022, 6-8:30 pm (EASTERN TIME)
PROGRAM DATES: Tuesdays, April 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6, 13 
ALL DAY SESSION: Sunday, June 4, 8:45 am to 4:30 pm (EASTERN TIME)

ALL Mindfulness-based courses currently held

More About the

MBCT Course

Who Can Benefit?

Individuals experiencing moderate anxiety or depression, and people with a history of depression who want to learn skills and strategies for preventing depressive relapse. Those seeking to reduce acute depression, anxiety and stress are also welcome to join this evidence-based group program.

How does MBCT work?
  • Mindfulness is a non-judgmental way of paying attention to the present moment. Cognitive Therapy brings awareness to the habitual negative thinking that leads to depressive and anxious spirals. In MBCT, we learn how to interrupt habitual reactions to situations, so we can choose to respond in more skillful ways. 
  • Mindfulness allows us to “shift gears” from a mode of mind dominated by critical and judgmental thinking (which is likely to provoke and accelerate downward mood spirals) to another mode of mind in which we experience the world directly, non-conceptually and non-judgmentally.
  • Through mindfulness, we can discover that difficult and unwanted thoughts and feelings can be held in awareness, and seen from an altogether different perspective – a perspective that brings with it a sense of warmth and compassion to the suffering we are experiencing.
  • Paradoxically, by relating with open acceptance to our experience as it already is, including unwanted thoughts and feelings, we create the space for deep, lasting, and transformative change.
  • Mindfulness practice cultivates our ability to be present and appreciate the simple pleasures already available to us in everyday life. We learn to connect with ourselves, befriending and opening to our moment-to-moment experience of being alive. 
  • Research has demonstrated MBCT is as effective as antidepressants in the prevention of depressive relapse or recurrence. (Kuyken, 2008)
    Course Schedule And Time Commitment

    Please see the Schedule for dates and times of upcoming classes.

    The course consists of 8 weekly classes (2 ½ hours each) and one all-day session on a weekend, usually between the 6th and 7th class.  

    In all, the class offers nearly 30 hours of direct contact and instruction.

    The core focus of the program is intensive training in mindfulness meditation and its applications to the challenges of working with patterns of mood and thinking that perpetuate suffering and distress.  Participating in the course does require an on-going commitment to yourself. You will be asked to attend all of the classes, including the all-day session, and practice daily home assignments for 30-50 minutes per day.

    A free orientation session is held prior to the class start date and is a prerequisite for participation. Please contact Janet if you have a scheduling conflict, and to discuss alternatives.

    Course Structure and Methodology

    The class format is experiential and deeply engaging, consisting of direct instruction in mindfulness meditation practices, gentle mindful movement, and group dialogue, discussion, and inquiry. Didactic elements support the recognition of mood and thought patterns that characterize mood disorders, empowering participants with new choices for responding more wisely and kindly to old triggers.  

    Participants receive a set of guided meditation to download on their phone or computer, as well as weekly handouts. You are also strongly encouraged to read “The Mindful Way Through Depression,” by MBCT founders Mark Williams, John Teasdale, and Zindel Segal, co-written with Jon Kabat-Zinn, to support your success in the program.

    Online Format

    Please note this will be a highly interactive, LIVE-ONLINE web-based program. We ask for your full attention and participation.

    For technical requirements, click here.

    Course Fees

    We offer a “pay what you can” fee structure, trusting in your honest assessment of your circumstances. Please pay more, if possible, to help support those with fewer financial resources.

    The fee options are: $300.00 or $565.00 or $725.00.

    Our intention is for this course to be accessible to all who feel they could benefit and are committed to attending. Please contact Janet directly to discuss other options for working with your current needs.

    Refund Policy: If you register and pay for the course and need to withdraw up to a week prior to the course start date, we are happy to refund your payment minus a $50 administrative fee.  Once we are within a week prior to the start of the course, we offer no refunds, but are happy to count your payment toward a course to be offered within the next calendar year.

    How to get started

    Each class cycle begins with an orientation session to meet the instructor, provide more detailed information about the program, and to offer an experiential “taste” of mindfulness practice.  You’re welcome to bring any questions or concerns you might have about the program, and to learn more about not only the form but also the “heart” of this work. This session is required.  If you are unable to attend due to a conflict, please contact Janet by email: janet_curry@mindfulnessandhealthinstitute.org, or myounglee@pointstillmindfulness.org

    For a schedule of dates, times and locations for upcoming orientation sessions, or to register for an MBCT program, see the link above, or our Schedule.