Header Image: Three Trees, Willipa Bay, Wendy Orville, Monotype
Creativity and Mindfulness:
The Art of Noticing and Befriending the Ordinary
Over the past year-plus of the pandemic, many of us, by necessity, have kept close to home, surrounded by the ordinary features of every-day life. These constraints have brought to the fore the challenges that both artists and mindfulness practitioners have long embraced—how to see and experience freshly what is most familiar, rekindling our interest in what’s right here, and in so doing, befriending and celebrating the ordinary.
Over the 6-week course, we will explore themes such as:
Embodied Seeing/Slow Looking
Play and Process
Overcoming Obstacles and The Gift of Failure
Finding Ground—Resources for the Journey
The class time will be balanced between guided mindfulness practice, group conversation, and hands-on creative prompts, with the invitation to continue explorations at home between classes.
Throughout their twenty year friendship, Wendy Orville and Janet have been fascinated by the dynamic interplay between ‘Creativity and Mindfulness’; their on-going conversations have enriched both their work and their lives. Integrating mindfulness into her art form has supported Wendy in establishing a vibrant studio practice, while Janet has found that weaving creativity more explicitly into her teaching and counseling has bolstered her trust in her own voice.
Yet, at its core, this course is not limited to either the domain of ‘creativity’ or ‘mindfulness.’ Rather, this deep dive of exploration is offered as a way to engage more fully in our lives just as they are, with a spirit of warmth and care that allows us to befriend not just the ordinary, but ourselves as well.
Next Creativity and Mindfulness Course:
OCT 30 – DEC 11, 2021
10:30 am – 1pm MST/ 9:30 – 12pm PST
ALL Mindfulness-based courses currently held
Union Bay, Wendy Orville, Monotype
Cloud Patterns, Willapa Bay #2, Wendy Orville, Monotype
More About the
Creativity and Mindfulness Course
About Wendy Orville
“I was trained as a painter but I’m largely self-taught as a printmaker. I fell in love with the monotype process when I lived in Taos, New Mexico. Something happened when I started making monotypes that opened up a different part of me. I felt genuinely free to experiment and fail, trusting myself to follow the process anywhere it led.”
Wendy Orville was born in New York and grew up in New Haven, Connecticut. She received a BA in Fine Arts from Yale University and an MFA in Painting from American University. Her monotypes have been exhibited at the Tacoma Art Museum, the Museum of Northwest Art, the Bellevue Art Museum and the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art. Wendy’s monotypes are featured in the book Singular & Serial: Contemporary Monotype and Monoprint. She is represented by Davidson Galleries Seattle, Washington. www.wendyorville.com
Watch a video interview with Wendy: https://www.bainbridgecurrents.com/stories/art/inside-the-artists-studio-wendy-orville/
Read an article about Wendy’s work: https://helloprintfriend.com/pp-wendy-orville
Listen to a Podcast showcasing Wendy: https://www.stitcher.com/show/pine-copper-lime/episode/episode-11-wendy-orville-59801558#/
About Janet Curry
“For much of my life, creativity felt like a generation-skipping gene, and I was in one of those it skipped over. Hard-working? Yes. Disciplined? You bet. But it took years to germinate the seed of awareness that creativity has always already been here, part of my birthright! I have come to identify its presence when I write and teach through the felt sense of alert energy, aliveness, and emotion. Creative flow enables me to get out of my own way, and… play! To me, more and more, it is an expression of the grace to be found in this present moment.”
Janet was raised in the rolling, open prairie lands of the Mid-West; she migrated to the mountains of Durango, Colorado with her family in 2006 and offers counseling and Mindfulness-Based training programs across North America and Europe. Janet received her Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling from Seattle University and her BA from Williams College. In 2018, Janet completed a second Master’s degree program in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, from which she graduated with the highest mark of ‘Distinction.’ She is Certified as an MBSR Teacher and Teacher Trainer from the University of Massachusetts’ Center for Mindfulness and the Mindfulness Center at Brown University.
Learn more about Janet Curry here: https://myounglee@pointstillmindfulness.org/janet-curry/
Course Fees
Our intention is for our course to be accessible to all who are called to study Creativity and Mindfulness. Two levels of pricing offers flexibility based on your financial capacity. Benefactor rates reflect actual costs; your generosity will help to ‘pay forward’ support for increased and more equitable access for those who cannot afford the base rate. Please inquire with Janet about financial assistance, which may be available to applicants based on need.
- Base rate: $425
- Benefactor rate: $550
Refund Policy: If you register and pay for the course and need to withdraw up to a week prior to the course start date, we are happy to refund your payment minus a $50 administrative fee. Once we are within a week prior to the start of the course, we offer no refunds, but are happy to count your payment toward a course to be offered within the next calendar year.
Online Format
Please note this will be a highly interactive, LIVE-ONLINE web-based program. We ask for your full attention and participation.
For technical requirements, click here.
How to get started
To register and pay for your participation in the Creativity and Mindfulness course, please Register and Pay Here. SPOTS ARE LIMITED FOR THE COURSE.
The course will be held Saturdays, October 30 – Dec 11 (skipping 11/27), 10:30 am – 1pm MST/ 9:30 – 12pm PST.
Please contact Janet with any questions!