Mindfulness Lessons, Personal Observations, More
BlogMindfulness in Mid-Air: Lessons from the Flying Trapeze
Last summer, almost by accident, I flew on a trapeze. I hadn’t intended to. It wasn’t some life-long dream I’d been longing to fulfill. But for months I’d been struggling with the discomfort of change, and my husband, in his intuitive way, had likened my situation...
On ‘Success’, ‘Failure’, & the Willingness to Keep Showing Up
In May, I attended my graduation from the Master’s program in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) at the University of Oxford. I don’t usually go for pomp and circumstance, but found the ceremony was moving on many levels, and prompted reflections on ‘success’,...
An Open Letter of Gratitude To My Teachers
Late this winter, I learned that I was approved for certification as an MBSR teacher by the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness–the culmination, in one sense, of a journey that began in 2003. At that time, with a chronically ill son, a...
First Blog Post: The Connection
This seems an appropriate, and perhaps even auspicious moment for beginning this new Stillpoint blog, after a week full of “firsts” that has included Stillpoint’s sponsoring last Saturday of the first retreat here in Durango to be “streamed online” from the Center for...